31 ديسمبر 2023
a year ago
رويترز عن وزير خارجية بريطانيا: أوضحت لنظيري الإيراني أن طهران يجب أن تشارك في مسؤولية منع هجمات الحوثيين
a year ago
Houthi boats opened fire at U.S. Navy helicopters responding to a distress call near Yemen, the Pentagon says. The helicopters returned fire, causing 3 small boats to sink and killing the crew
a year ago
وزير خارجية بريطانيا: أبلغت وزير خارجية إيران أن بلاده تتحمل مسؤولية الهجمات بالبحر الأحمر
a year ago
Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea. On Dec. 31 at 6:30am (Sanaa time) the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU issued a second distress call in less than 24 hours reporting being under attack by four Iranian-backed Houthi small boats. The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew served and small arms weapons at the MAERSK HANGZHOU, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel. A contract embarked security team on the MAERSK HANZGHOU returned fire. U.S. helicopters from the USS EISENHOWER (CVN 69) and GRAVELY (DDG 107) responded to the distress call and in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew served weapons and small arms. The U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews. The fourth boat fled the area. There was no damage to U.S. personnel or equipment
a year ago
Iran-backed militias claim to target US-controlled Rmeilan base in Syria
a year ago
Iranian-backed militias targeted the Conoco military base in eastern Deir ez-Zur. In response to the source of the attack, the global @coalition & the SDF retaliated by hitting the western bank of Euphrates river, where Iranian-backed based
a year ago
وسائل إعلام إيرانية: طهران تعلن إعدام 4 أشخاص على صلة بجهاز الموساد الإسرائيلي
a year ago
وزارة الخزانة الأميركية: فرضنا عقوبات على شبكة تمويل إيرانية تدعم الحوثيين في الهجمات على الشحن الدولي
a year ago
The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei alongside several High-Ranking Iranian and IRGC Officials led the Funeral Prayer in the Capital of Tehran today for Brigadier General Seyed Razi Mousavi who was Killed in Damascus, Syria on Monday by an Israeli Airstrike
a year ago
قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني: لن نسكت عن اغتيال أبنائنا وسنثأر لهم بشكل قاس
a year ago
قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني: الكيان إسرائيلي يتكبد خسائر كبيرة وهذا ثمن يدفعه من يحتلون أراضي الآخرين
a year ago
هجوم بطائرة مسيرة يستهدف قاعدة الحرير في أربيل شمالي العراق
a year ago
Iran and Russia chief bankers met in Moscow, discussing banking cooperation
a year ago
Iran and Armenia FMs met in Yerevan
a year ago
بيان: العراق وإيران يتفقان على تشكيل لجنة لتطوير الحقول الحدودية المشتركة بين البلدين
a year ago
حماس: ننفي ما قاله الحرس الثوري الإيراني بأن عملية طوفان الأقصى رد على مقتل سليماني
a year ago
متحدث الحرس الثوري الإيراني يقول إن إسرائيل تحاول توسيع حرب غزة إلى صراع أميركي إيراني
a year ago
U.S. assets, to include the USS LABOON (DDG 58) and F/A-18 Super Hornets from the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, shot down twelve one-way attack drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles, and two land attack cruise missiles in the Southern Red Sea that were fired by the Houthis over a 10 hour period which began at approximately 6:30 a.m. (Sanaa time) on December 26. There was no damage to ships in the area or reported injuries.
a year ago
حماس: ندين اغتيال العميد بالحرس الثوري رضي موسوي ونعتبره اعتداء على سيادة دولة عربية
a year ago
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says Israel is being attacked from seven separate theaters amid the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, and the military has so far responded in six of them.b"We are in a multi-front war, we are being attacked from seven different arenas: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, [the West Bank], Iraq, Yemen, and Iran," says Gallant at a meeting of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. "We have already responded and acted in six of these areas, and I say here in the most clear way, anyone who acts against us is a potential target, there is no immunity for anyone," he adds.
a year ago
الأمن السيبراني في إسرائيل: محاولات إيرانية لشن هجمات إلكترونية
a year ago
الدفاع الإيرانية: سنرد ردا ذكيا على مقتل رضي موسوي
a year ago
USAF has targeted Iran-backed PMU / Hashed Al Sha'abi site in Babyl, Iraq. Casualties reported
a year ago
The Iranian Tasnim news agency reports that a senior IRGC officer, Reza Mousawi, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Damascus earlier today
a year ago
Initial reports of a drone attack on Harir base in Erbil, northern Iraq
a year ago
The countries of the Eurasian Economic Union signed a full-scale free trade agreement with Iran
a year ago
دير_الزور :تحليق للطيران المـ.ـروحي التابع للتحـ.ـالف الدولي على علو منخفـ.ـض في أجواء ريف دير الزور الشرقي
a year ago
مساعد منسق الحرس الثوري: على داعمي إسرائيل توقع إغلاق البحر المتوسط ومضيق جبل طارق وبقية الممرات المائية
a year ago
Iran's president had a phone call with president of Egypt, congratulating his reelection. They also discussed expansion of bilateral ties and the situation in Gaza
a year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 37 km WSW of Ahar, Iran