16 سبتمبر 2024
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وزير الخارجية الإيراني: على مجلس الأمن وقف الحرب على غزة ووقف تهجير الفلسطينيين
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NSC spox Adrienne Watson: US tracking Iranian threats against former Trump admin officials for years dating back to last admin & arising from Iran seeking revenge for Qassem Soleimani killing. "We consider this a national & homeland security matter of the highest priority."
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رئيس منظمة الطاقة الذرية الايرانية يعلن افتتاح 3 مواقع إشعاعية خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية
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الخارجية الإيرانية: ننفي ضلوع إيران في الهجوم الأخير على ترامب والاتهامات بوجود خطط لاستهداف ترامب لا أساس لها من الصحة
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Iran's acting foreign minister met foreign minister of Kuwait in New York
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Reports of 2 explosive-laden drones targeted Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar, western Iraq
CNN: “US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president in recent weeks”
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 51 km ENE of Shahrak-e Kūlūrī, Iran
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The Iranian television presenter Pouria Zeraati, who was attacked in London by men believed to be acting for the Tehran government, has fled to Israel, saying that he no longer felt safe in the UK
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وزير خارجية إيران: منفتحون على استئناف المفاوضات النووية مع واشنطن
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Iraqi pro-Iran militias threaten Saudi Arabia, alleging assistance to Israel
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القائم بأعمال الخارجية الإيرانية: إذا كان الأمريكيون صادقين بشأن الوساطة فعليهم وقف تسليم الأسلحة لإسرائيل
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مسؤول أميركي للعربية: واشنطن طلبت من إيران خلال الفترة الأخيرة وقف هجمات الحوثي على السفن
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 66 km ESE of Kerman, Iran
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed five Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV), three over the Red Sea and two over Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen
A vessel carrying foreign experts and military materials for missile production destined for Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis has gone missing in the Red Sea. The Houthis have launched a reconnaissance mission to find the vessel, now missing for three days2 الشهر منذ
A vessel carrying foreign experts and military materials for missile production destined for Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis has gone missing in the Red Sea. The Houthis have launched a reconnaissance mission to find the vessel, now missing for three days
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The pro-Iranian militias in Iraq announced that they attacked Eilat and the port of Haifa with drones and an advanced cruise missile
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July 14 U.S. Central Command Update: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed two Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV) over the Red Sea and one uncrewed surface vessel (USV) in the Red Sea. USCENTCOM forces also successfully destroyed one Houthi UAV in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen. It was determined these systems presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region. These actions were taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure.
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Hezbollah has used Iran made Shahed 101 drone for the first time since the beginning of the conflict with Israel.
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وزارة الخزانة الأميركية تصدر عقوبات جديدة على إيران
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وزير خارجية العراق يؤكد لمسؤول بالخارجية الأميركية ضرورة إيجاد حل سريع وعادل للأموال الإيرانية المجمدة بالعراق
Iran's Acting FM Ali Bagheri: Negotiations continue through ongoing indirect talks via Oman.The talks on lifting sanctions are moving forward.By the time the new government takes office in Tehran, we try to provide suitable grounds for serious moves under the new government2 الشهر منذ
Iran's Acting FM Ali Bagheri: Negotiations continue through ongoing indirect talks via Oman.The talks on lifting sanctions are moving forward.By the time the new government takes office in Tehran, we try to provide suitable grounds for serious moves under the new government
Iran has all the parts it needs for a nuclear bomb, it just needs to assemble it, warned Israeli army Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Amir Baram this week. Israeli officials reportedly are concerned Iran may exploit US election season to develop nuclear weapons
إعلان الناتو: "أي نقل للصواريخ الباليستية والتكنولوجيا ذات الصلة من قبل إيران إلى روسيا سيمثل تصعيدًا كبيرًا"
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سقوط صاروخ ثقيل أطلقه حزب الله على محيط موقع "الراهب" الإسرائيلي مقابل بلدة عيتا الشعب جنوب لبنان
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Iran's Interior Minister: The office of Turkish Airlines was sealed due to a conflict with the police force, and the seal was removed today
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) in a Houthi controlled area of Yemen. It was determined the UAV presented an imminent threat to U.S
Inauguration ceremony of Iran’s president-elect is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 30, Iran Nuances learned. Preparations and extending invitations to high-ranking foreign guests are underway. Senior officials of several countries are expected to attend the ceremony2 الشهر منذ
Inauguration ceremony of Iran’s president-elect is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 30, Iran Nuances learned. Preparations and extending invitations to high-ranking foreign guests are underway. Senior officials of several countries are expected to attend the ceremony
U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines releases statement that the Iranian government and their "influencers" are posing as activists supporting anti-Israel protests in the U.S.The Iranian government is "even providing financial support to protesters"
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Iran’s president-elect holds phone talks with Erdogan, Putin